你今天社交了嗎? | “Did you make friends today?” – A Discussion about Contemporary Socialization Issues

Please find an upcoming co-sponsored CCR event from Hua Dialogue (對話)

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溫哥華時間11月30日星期二下午6點,在CK Choi 120, 我們期待聽到你的分享。

➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間11月30日,週二晚間6:00-9:00pm @CK Choi 120




If you were selected to spend a week alone in a deserted place, filled with natural wonders and no sight of humans, would you be willing to go? Do you think you would enjoy such an experience? Would you be willing to spend a month, or perhaps, a year there?

With the rapid growth of modernization and popularity of social media, there has been increased discussion over the topic of “social interactions” and its arising challenges in the 21st century. While extroverts are actively enjoying and seeking interactions with others, many people – such as introverts, people with social phobia, or those who are simply a little shy – perceive social interactions as a frightening and embarrassing task. Some even equate social interaction as futile, claiming that they’d rather prefer staying within their social bubble or sticking with online communications. How do you interpret these phenomena? How do you perceive “social interactions”?

For the past two years, the pandemic and the practice of social distancing has made our face-to-face interactions especially limited, exacerbating the levels of loneliness and social isolation. As the society is gradually making a return to normality, there have been growing concerns over the problem of diminished social interactions, along with fear and trepidation towards the post-pandemic world. What is your opinion on this? As the society recovers, do you notice any changes in your social mentality and lifestyle? Have you experienced any concerns or difficulties with social reengagement?

Join Hua Dialogue Tuesday, November 30, 6pm at CK Choi 120, where communities come together and share stories and experiences. Let’s discuss these contemporary socialization issues, socialize, and make new friends!

【Event Details】

➤Time: Tuesday, November 30, 6:00-9:00pm @ CK Choi 120
➤Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/did-you-make-friends-today-contemporary-socialization-issues-registration-216012287567

**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.