Sponsor: Centre for Chinese Research
Place: Room 120, C.K.Choi Building, 1855 West Mall, Vancouver, BC
By: Shu-Cheng Huang
Type: Seminar
Dates: Wednesday, Nov 04, 2015 to Wednesday, Nov 04, 2015
Time: 4-5:30 p.m.
In Taiwan or China, it is easily to notice that a large of common words or idioms can connect to the cultural connotations of He-Yuan合院architecture. For example, the idioms quoted from the classic stories of “Lun-Yu”論語 — “wàn-rèn-gōng-qiáng”萬仞宮牆(palace wall higher than ten thousand meters), “fèn-tǔ-zhi-qiáng”糞土之牆(wall of dirty soil), and “dēng-táng-rù-shì”登堂入室(pass through the hall into the inner). Taiwanese or Chinese also often use He-Yuan architectural terms to describe human relationships, such as: dà-fáng大房, èr-fáng二房, zhèng-shì正室, cè-shì側室, cousin堂兄弟, and jia-guó-dòng-liáng家國棟梁(a person able to bear heavy responsibilities). Being the main cultural fountainhead of Chinese traditional buildings, He-Yuan architecture has a long history. Through architectural style, we can understand how the people suffice the way of life, express their thoughts and consciousness, and extend naturalism into a man-made environment. In this lecture, Professor Shu-Cheng Huang will use Chinese traditional literature and aesthetics theories to explore the spatial connotations of He-Yuan architecture. Professor Huang will highlight as a case study, the Lin An-Tai Historical House in Taipei, which preserves the architectural style of southern Fujian.
About the Speaker
Shu-Cheng Huang was born and raised in Taichung country in central Taiwan. She received her M.A. (2002) and Ph.D. (2006) from the Department of Chinese of National Taiwan Normal University. Her dissertation focuses on the textual structure and rhetorical style of Chinese literature, including classical and modern poetry and essays, Song dynasty lyric poetry (ci), and other genres. Recently, she has also used theories and principles of structure to explore the spatial aesthetics of Chinese traditional He-Yuan合院 architecture. Her research has been generously funded by the ROC Ministry of Science and Technology. She also taught Chinese language at a Taiwanese junior high school from 1989 to 2006.
She is currently an associate professor the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures of Tzu Chi University in Hualien. For 2015-16, she is a visiting scholar in UBC’s Department of Asian Studies.
Please note that the talk will be given in Mandarin.
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