CESS Expert List

CESS aims to connect both China experts and those with expertise in environmental sciences and sustainabiltiy research.  Please advise us for any changes or additions: tomaw@interchange.ubc.ca

University of British Columbia:


BAKKER, Karen (bakker@geog.ubc.ca)
Associate Professor, Geography
Water resources.

DAUVERGNE, Peter (peter.dauvergne@ubc.ca)
Professor, Political Science
Environmental theory and international relations.

CHEEK, Timothy (tcheek@ubc.ca)
Louis Cha Chair in Chinese Research, Institute of Asian Research.
Intellectual history, governance

FOSTER, Kenneth (kfoster@interchange.ubc.ca)
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Professor, Sociology
Food security in China; Pearl River Delta research

GLASSMAN, Jim (glassman@geog.ubc.ca)
Assistant Professor, Geography
SEA, Pacific Rim (GMS and Thailand)

LEAF, Michael
Professor, Centre for Southeast Asian Research, SCARP.
Shanghai urban development; 3X3 Partnership Initiative: Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Beijing-Tianjin Region http://www.chs.ubc.ca/china/
Community-based Urban Environmental Management in Quanzhou, Fujian, China

POTTER, Pittman
Professor of Law
Selective adaptation

SLAYMAKER, Olav (geography
Geomorphology, Sedimentary research in Hainan; sustainability of mountain environments.

TIBERGHIEN, Yves (yvestibe@politics.ubc.ca)
Assistant Professor, Political Science.
China, GMO politics, East Asia

WILSON, Ward (wilson@mining.ubc.ca)
Professor, Mining
Mining and the environment

YIN, Yongyuan (yongyuan.yin@sdri.ubc.ca)
Adjunct Professor, AIRG
Carbon sequestration; pesticide exposure risk assessment in Taihu area; Pearl River Delta Sustainability Project

Post-doctorate/ Graduate Students:

CHEN, Yaming
PhD Candidate, Earth & Ocean Science
Groundwater contamination and re-mediation strategies

CONSTANTIN, Christian (cconstan@interchange.ubc.ca)
PhD student, Political Science
China & energy geopolitics.

HAYES, Jack (jackhayes11@msn.com)
PhD candidate, History
Modern Chinese / Environmental History (Southwest China)

LI Guo (liwestern@hotmail.com)
PhD student, Political Science
Energy security in China, EIA processes, public consultation.

McCORRY, Denise (d.mccorry@fisheries.ubc.ca)
Post-doc Scientist, Fisheries
Marine protected area management experience in Hong Kong, China.

Other Schools:


ANDERSON, Robert (randerso@sfu.ca)
Professor, Communication
Handling ecological crisis’, Yunnan.

JACCARD, Mark (jaccard@sfu.ca)
Professor, Resource & Environmental Management, Fellow CD Howe Institute.
Energy & Environmental Economics; part of foreign expert team advising Chinese government.

DRAKE, Earl (drake@sfu.ca)
Adjunct Professor, David Lam Centre for International Communication.
Director, Canadian Secretariat for the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment & Development. Ex-Canadian Ambassador to PRC.

STURGEON, Janet (sturgeon@sfu.ca)
Professor, Department of Geography
Land use /land cover change in SW China border regions, property rights and natural resources; teaches Geog 468: Society & Environment in China.


JIANG, Wenran
Director of the China Institute, Professor, Political Science
Chinese energy security.


HARRELL, Stephen
Professor, Anthropology.
Mountain environments, minority relations.

MAGEE, Darrin
PhD., Geography
Yunnan large-scale hydro-development.