Back to Dialogue: Media, Facts and Voices |An Invitation to Friends of Pan-Chinese Communities | 【對話特別活動】回歸對話 五週年紀念:媒體,事實與話語權 | 誠邀兩岸四地朋友 從心出發 開啟對話
Inspired by the most concerned topic in Chinese world, we would like to hold a discussion about how media and news cover “facts” and their leverage on personal perspective and more importantly, how we could facilitate peaceful communications and mutual understanding.
Half a decade had passed, yet as societal turbulences returned and gave birth to more conflict, we feel it is opportune to reinitiate “that Dialogue”.
Five years ago, when storms from the East spread to campus, uneasy sentiments and conflict bubbled under the pavements of Main Mall. Many who wished to alleviate tensions and promote dialogue found themselves resourceless due to the lack of a platform. As a result, a group of students who share a mutual passion for dialogue and understanding came together and held an event under the name of ‘Dialogue” on Oct 23rd, 2014, despite facing intense pressure and lack of guidance. The event invited students from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan to participate in hopes of creating a space for peaceful conversations and mutual understanding regardless of our differences. This was the beginning of the story of UBC HUA Dialogue.
To this day, with 34 events over 5 years, we have discussed many topics spanning from political issues, cultural backgrounds to personal lifestyle. We have reflected after each of our events to better address our goal of “Listen, Share and Respect”. In HUA Dialogue, we have met many friends, old and new as they come and go, we have had farewells and reunions, now and then. But nothing stops us from moving forward, towards another journey of Dialogue, another exploration of a new topic.
This September, as UBC HUA Dialogue marks its 5th anniversary, we have an invitation to you, old friends and new, to share your story once again.
五年前,風波突起,席捲華人社會,即使是傳統上被視作象牙塔的學校也受到波及。緊張情緒蔓延到了校園,對峙衝突接踵而至。很多堅持理性思考的人,想要幫助緩解局勢,促進各方的交流理解,卻苦於缺少一個平台。於是,有一群學生憑著自己的熱情和責任感,在面臨巨大壓力,鮮有前例參考的情況下,在2014年10月23日舉辦了一場以“對話”為名的活動,邀請來自中國大陸,香港,澳門和台灣的學生共同參加,以期創造一個可以讓來自不同背景,持有不同立場的學生,拋開偏見,敞開心懷,開啟對話,以平等交流的方式增進彼此理解的空間。這場“對話”也成為我們UBC HUA(華) Dialogue對話的開始,其活動主旨和活動形式也被沿用至今。
截至今日,這場原本是為了緩解政治衝突而舉行的“對話”已經不知不覺談了五年。五年的時間,三十四場活動,話題從政治熱點,到文化背景,再到生活方式,我們跌跌撞撞,我們摸索迷茫,我們嘗試了很多,但我們唯一沒有嘗試過的,就是停下腳步。我們在CK Choi 120的房間裡,看著無數的不同的面孔走來,又看著他們散去,但我們並不害怕離別,因為總會有新的相聚,總會有新的話題,等待著被“對話“開啟。
2019年9月,對話五週年,是一個里程碑,也是新的開始。UBC HUA Dialogue,攜“對話”回歸。唯願初心不變,精神相傳。
*The event is FREE and RSVP *BEFORE SEP. 28 12:00 PM * is REQUIRED. Dinner and refreshment will be provided.
**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.
***We acknowledge that this event is taking place on unceded, traditional and ancestral land of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) people.
About UBC Hua Dialogue | 【關於對話】
Established in 2014, UBC Hua Dialogue is a student-led platform for discussions of social, cultural and political issues related to the Hua-communities. Our value is “listen, share, respect” and we welcome students of all background and identities to join us.