Xu Youyu, is a Chinese scholar in philosophy and one of China’s leading spokesmen for constitutional democracy. He was a red guard. He is a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is one of the organizers of New Citizens Movement.
- Xu, Youyu., and Hua, Ze., eds. In the Shadow of the Rising Dragon. Stacy Mosher. New York: Macmillan. 2013.
Edited by two Chinese scholars, both of whom have experienced surveillance, control, abduction, and detention, this is a probing and revealing look at life under the police state of the world’s most populous country.
Journal Articles
- Xu, Youyu. “The Debates Between Liberalism and the New Left in China Since the 1990s. Contemporary Chinese Thought.” Contemporary Chinese Thought. 3 (Spr 2003): 6-17.
- Xu, Youyu. “Une stèle pour les 36 millions de victimes de la Grande famine.” Bonnin, Jérôme. Perspectives chinoises. 106 (2009): 107-111.
- Xu, Youyu. “Erecting a tombstone for 36 million famine victims.” Trans. Mosher, Stacy. China Perspectives. 77 (2009): 98-101.
- Xu, Youyu. “Jobs for Young Graduates: Crisis within a Crisis.” China Perspectives.77 (2009): 96-7.
- Froissart, Chloé. “Xu Youyu ou comment écrire l’histoire de la Révolution culturelle pour orienter l’avenir de la Chine.” Perspectives chinoises. 71 (May-Jun 2002): 15-23.
Translations on Web Sources
- Xu, Youyu. “The spirit of Tiananmen is strong.” The Guardian 2 June 2009. Web.
- Xu, Youyu. “Intellectual Discourses in Post-Mao China and Today.” China Change 24 May 2014. Web.
- Xu, Youyu. “” Trans. Stacy Mosher. China Change 13 May 2014. Web.
- 新浪博客 | Sina Blog (hasn’t updated since 2013)
- 腾讯博客 | Tencent Blog (has’t updated since 2009)
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