Video Library

[HOOVER INSTITUTION]: Xi Jinping Makes History: Perspectives On The CCP’s 6th Plenum

The Hoover Institution hosted Xi Jinping Makes History: Perspectives on the CCP’s 6th Plenum on Thursday, December 2 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. PST. Leading experts unpack the significance of the 6th Plenum (2021) of the Chinese Communist Party’s 19th Congress and what lies ahead for Xi Jinping and China.   [youtube][/youtube]   ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Timothy Cheek is a […]

[Webinar] Voice After Exit: How Transnational Ties Shape Hong Kong Americans’ Political Engagement and Voting Behavior

Webinar Friday, 10 December 2021, 17:00–18:30 PST Voice After Exit: How Transnational Ties Shape Hong Kong Americans’ Political Engagement and Voting Behavior Dr. Maggie Shum and Prof. Victoria Hui, University of Notre Dame via Zoom A City Reassembled event Registration required Dr. Maggie Shum and Prof. Victoria Hui will introduce their on-going project “Hong Kong Voices in the […]

你今天社交了嗎?| “Did you make friends today?” – A Discussion about Contemporary Socialization Issues

Please find an upcoming co-sponsored CCR event from Hua Dialogue (對話) [Find English Version Below] 如果給你一次去荒無人煙但有滿天繁星的地方一個人生活一星期的機會,你會接受嗎?你會享受那樣的生活嗎?如果是一個月、一年呢? 在越來越擁擠和忙碌的城市里和社交媒體的巨大浪潮中,大家對一戳就破的“氣球式社交”、“中國式社交”、“網絡社交”等等的討論愈發激烈。在社交渠道多種多樣、無處不在的年代,有些人選擇積極地和各種人建立聯繫,拓寬自己的關係網;有些人覺得這樣太難太累,被社交恐懼症和社交尷尬所支配。還有人選擇拒絕所謂的“無效社交”,追求更加長久而穩定的關係。你覺得社交的本質是什麼呢?它應該在我們生活中扮演什麼樣的角色? 近兩年的疫情讓我們面對面社交的機會變得稀缺。不論是一個人的隔離生活還是遠程上課、工作,我們主要的社交場所變成了自己房間裡的那塊發光的屏幕。有人認為今後的社交和生活模式會逐漸趨近於此,你對此的看法是什麼?隨著社會生活慢慢恢復正常,你如今的社交心態和社交方式發生了變化嗎?你對“社交”和“朋友”有了新的想法和認識嗎?或者你對人與人之間的相處有什麼困惑嗎?如果你有想說的話和故事,就來參加對話12月份對於當代人交友現狀的討論吧! 溫哥華時間11月30日星期二下午6點,在CK Choi 120, 我們期待聽到你的分享。 【活動形式】 ➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間11月30日,週二晚間6:00-9:00pm @CK Choi 120 ➤注冊連結: **活動將以小組討論+大組討論的形式進行。你不需要準備任何發言,我們鼓勵你將自己的經歷和對「華人」這一概念的思考結合起來,與大家在相互尊重的基礎上交流想法。你可以使用你最熟悉的語言(國/普、粵、英)進行分享,我們將提供翻譯。 _______________________________________ If you were selected to spend a week alone in a deserted place, filled with natural wonders and no sight of humans, would you be […]

[BOOK TALK EVENT]: “China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”

Hi everyone, We hope you enjoyed the event: “China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy.” If you would like to revisit any of the conversations or discussions we had at the event please visit the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs YouTube page or click the link below.   [youtube][/youtube]  

[SYMPOSIUM EVENT]: Seeing Like an Empire: Chinese Political Thought and Practice in Changing Times

Thank you to all who could join the CCR’s first lecture in our symposium “Seeing Like an Empire.” If you would like to revisit our conversations or could not attend, please go to the @ubcSPPGA’s YouTube page for a recording of the event!  See below: [youtube][/youtube]

A (Re)visit to Vancouver Chinatown: The Past, Present, and Future | 回歸溫哥華唐人街: 我們的歷史, 當下, 和未來

[Find English Version Below] 人們常對某些話題保持緘默,但我們仍需直面問題。近年來, 針對亞裔的種族主義再度成為焦點。除了感到憤怒、悲傷和恐懼,我們同樣困惑於這類沖突產生的原因。為什麽這一問題在溫哥華如此敏感? 一百多年來,溫哥華唐人街作為跨太平洋的重要樞紐,不僅曾深陷於重重歷史危機,更面臨著日漸增長的社會、文化和經濟困難。建成之初,它是許多異鄉旅客的棲身之所,是盛極一時的文化輸出,更承載著許多遠隔重洋的思念。百年後的今天,在見證了族群不斷的遷移,發展,融合,沖突後,唐人街逐漸走向沒落,成了多數人不願涉足的禁地。 從1885年的中國人頭稅,到持續不斷的、基於種族歧視的暴力襲擊,直到今天,作為北美反亞裔仇恨之都的居民,我們該如何理解過去發生的種種,又該對未來抱有怎樣的期待? 我們該如何看待具有多重身份與意義的唐人街, 它的興盛與衰敗有著怎樣的歷史意義?又與個體的生活有著怎樣的聯系? 溫哥華時間11月9日星期二下午5點半,在CK Choi 120,對話將攜手UBC History Student Assoication共同舉辦11月特別活動,我們期待聽到你的分享。 主活動討論結束後,我們將舉行After Party, 繼續我們的交流和相互認識。地點未定,請等待通知。屆時將為大家提供免費食物,酒水自費,歡迎參與。 【活動形式】 ➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間11月9日,週二晚間5:30-7:30pm @CK Choi 120 After Party 7:30pm, 地點未定,請等待通知。 ➤注冊連結: ➤padlet討論: 活動將以小組討論+大組討論的形式進行。你不需要準備任何發言,我們鼓勵你將自己的經歷和對「華人」這一概念的思考結合起來,與大家在相互尊重的基礎上交流想法。你可以使用你最熟悉的語言(國/普、粵、英)進行分享,我們將提供翻譯。 ————————————————————— Certain topics are always difficult to bring up, yet we need to address them nonetheless. The Vancouver Chinatown is one such […]

[BOOK TALK EVENT]: China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”

[BOOK TALK EVENT]: China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” Little is known or understood about the inner workings of the Chinese government as the country bursts onto the world stage, as the world’s second largest economy and an emerging military superpower. China’s Diplomats embody its battle between insecurity and self-confidence, internally and […]

[SYMPOSIUM EVENT]: Seeing Like an Empire: Chinese Political Thought and Practice in Changing Times

[SYMPOSIUM EVENT]: Seeing Like an Empire: Chinese Political Thought and Practice in Changing Times The Centre for Chinese Research would like to introduce our symposium for this academic year titled “Seeing Like an Empire: Chinese Political Thought and Practice in Changing Times.” This symposium will cover a wide range of periods and topics from the […]

[Indigenous Taiwan Speaker Series] Conversations with Writer Ahronglong Sakinu

Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections 線上講座系列:台灣原住民文化:跨越太平洋的聯結 Hunter School: Reviving Taiwan Indigenous Practices for New Generations 獵人學校:如何在當代台灣復興傳統原住民技藝 Indigenous writer Ahronglong Sakinu, after years of living in Taipei, founded and ran a “hunter school” focused on transmitting Indigenous knowledge to new generations of Taiwan youths. What inspired Sakinu to found the school? What lessons and practices […]

Patriarchal Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: Gendered Discourse of ‘Double Eleven’ Shopping Festival

Patriarchal Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: Gendered Discourse of ‘Double Eleven’ Shopping Festival Video available here Double 11, or Singles’ Day (双11, 光棍节) is an unofficial Chinese holiday and shopping season that celebrates supposedly people not in relationships. The date, November 11 (11/11) was chosen because the ‘1’ reflect bare sticks or guangun (光棍), an internet […]