IF (love story *3)
Hidden Love · Titanic · Butterfly Lovers
In Mandarin Chinese with English subtitle
Time: Feb.27 – Mar. 03 @7:30pm and Mar. 04 @3pm, 2018
Location: Dorothy Somerset Studio of UBC (6361 University Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2)
Tickets: $15-20 (including complimentary gift package)
By tickets here:
Please follow us on FB @ubcfacedramaclub
Trailer: https://v.qq.com/x/page/d0548qxgr5w.html
Face Drama Club is the first and only student club in UBC making theatre productions in Chinese languages, mainly performed in Mandarin with English subtitles. It managed to put on stage a few plays since 2013. FDC’s first play is Thunderstorm, a play written by the very renowned Chinese playwright Cao Yu. The following one is a Chinese adaptation of The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial at 2014. And in 2015, FDC presented a stage reading of Mr. Donkey 2Q15, FDC’s own adaptation of a Chinese play called Mr. Donkey. In Feb. 2017, FDC presented a full production of Fallacy of the Fist, a new play by Taiwanese playwright Chien-jen Wong, which is also the play 3 of the Sinophone Series hosted by UBC Theatre and Film Studies.
The daily practice of FDC includes both appreciating local productions and practising performance. The FDC members are all theatre lovers from different academic disciplines. Many of the technicians in FDC are students from Theatre Studies, who takes the opportunity to practise their professional skills and the responsibility to help training others. Through the process of play appreciating, brainstorming, play writing, audition, rehearsal and public performances, the FDC offers a platform for different personalities and talents to cooperate and display, a communicating space for new ideas to be tested and promoted, a strong community for its members and audience to get connected. The event of the public performance is the final stage of FDC’s construction of this platform and community. It benefits everyone of the FDC member, as they will be able to show and get recognized of their passion and skill of performing, designing, marketing and etc.
With the support of Theatre and Film Studies, Face Drama Club will be presenting it new play from Feb 27th to March 4th, 2018. IF (Love Story × 3) is a play contains 3 love stories, Hidden Love, Titanic and Butterfly Lovers, to address different social or domestic issues that young people might face with: generation gap with parents, unaffordable life expenses, sexual harassment in workplace, lacking of gender equality in family and society, confusion of gender identity, etc.
This is a play that the Face Drama Club members have been working on from last September. This is not only for the FDC members to practice and present their theatrical creativity, but also their passion of communicating with the rest of the community. FDC looks forward to raise the recognition of these issues among not only UBC students but also the local Chinese community. It will not only makes the audience to be more exposed and aware of the importance of equality and diversity, but also offers a chance for the non-Chinese audience to understand these topics in a Chinese circumstances.
Plot Summary
- Hidden Love, a story of two young lovers, Jiang and Yun got separated since 1949 because of the civil war. Though both of them end up settled in Taiwan, they have never meet ever since. Both of them have their own families, but Jiang wants to meet Yun once again as he gets diagnosed of cancer. He had a searching notice posted on the local newspaper and start to wait…(This one is an adaptation of part of The Peach Blossom Land by Lai Shengchuan, adapted by Yanting Qiu, a.k.a. Beichuan, a PhD student of UBC Theatre Studies.)
- Titanic. We changed the story and made Jack and Rose became a Chinese couple in Vancouver, living in a basement, struggle to make two ends meet. The idea came from the movie. James Cameron’s 1997 movie was a big hit in China. Many of the audience believe that there would be no possibility of Jack and Rose staying together if Titanic did reach its destination safely. In this play, Jack and Rose will address domestic and social gender equality, sexual harassment, housing affordability and other relevant issues. (This play is written by Jaylon Han, one of the founders of FDC, graduated from UBC Theatre Studies and Asian Studies on 2016.)
- The third story is based on the classic love story of Butterfly lovers, or Liang & Zhu. The original story was set in imperial China when females have no agency in getting education or deciding their own marriage. Zhu is a girl who managed to disguise herself as a young man and attend school for three years. Zhu falls in love with her school mate Liang, a poor but decent young man, who didn’t recognize Zhu’s true identity at the time, but agree to marry Zhu’s younger sister (who is Zhu, of course). The marriage didn’t work out as Zhu is forced to marry a rich guy Ma. Liang died of desperation, and Zhu committed suicide at his tomb. The two transformed into butterflies after death. While the new Butterfly Lovers is modernized to be in today’s China. Liang and Zhu and Ma are school mates. Ma is a good friend of Zhu. He is from a rich family and his father wants him to marry Zhu, to fix Ma’s problem of being gay. As Old Ma almost ruined the wedding of Liang and Zhu, Ma visits the young couple three months after their wedding to make apology as well as good wishes. After Ma leaves, Zhu asks her husband: “Ma says he won’t fall in love with me because he knows I am female, how come you have no problem making friend with me while I disguised as a man, and marry me when I exposed as a woman? Is there something problematic of you, or me?” Liang and Zhu in this play will discuss gender equality and gender diversity. ( This play is written by Yanting Qiu.)
UBC 沸思劇社 《假如·愛情故事三則》
劇名:假如·愛情故事三則 (暗戀·泰坦尼克·梁祝)
時間:2月27-3月4日 周二到周六晚7點30分,周日下午3點,每天一場,共6場。
地點:UBC Dorothy Sermoset Studio (6361 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2)
票價:$15-20 (普票$20,學生/青少年/長者$15,票價已包含沸思特制“狗糧包”禮品)
詳情:請關注沸思微信公眾號 wechat @facedramaclub_ubc,FB @ubcfacedramaclub
假如他們穿越到今天的溫哥華,微薄的薪水 v.s. 房租和賬單,兩個人的愛情如何抵抗現實的重壓?他們還能一起走下去嗎?
假如,在今天的杭州,新婚三個月的祝英台問梁山伯:“梁兄,你是喜歡男生的我,還是女生的我?” 人稱“呆頭鵝”的梁山伯將會如何作答呢?
沸思至今已制作並上演曹禺經典倫理劇《雷雨》(2014年2月)、美國軍事法庭劇《凱恩號嘩變》(2014年11月)以及改編熱門劇《驢得水》為《驢得水2Q15》並進行舞台讀本(2015)。2017年2月演出台灣劇作家新作《拳難·拳難》的時候,正值大雪紛飛的季節,連公車都被迫停運的惡劣天氣裡,仍然得到大溫觀眾的熱情支持,每天的演出不但SOLD OUT,還要現場加座!