(Re)Viewing China Today: A Roundtable Discussion


Recent developments in China invite interest and inquiry among both specialist and generalist observers.  The 13th Five Year Plan offers a blueprint for further economic reform, even while questions about the success of reform efforts to date abound.  The anti-corruption campaign and other political reform efforts associated with Xi Jinping have seen significant achievements even as questions emerge publicly and privately about Xi’s leadership. China’s hosting of the G-20 later this year suggests a dedicated effort at international participation even as questions arise around China’s behavior in the South China Sea and elsewhere. China’s rule of law policies promise greater professionalism for the judiciary even as questions continue to arise over Party leadership and human rights conditions.  As has been so often the case in the past, China seems to offer a bundle of contradictions. In an effort to encourage better understanding of the complexities of today’s China, IAR’s Centre for Chinese Research will host a roundtable discussion at which perspectives from some of UBC’s prominent China specialists will be accompanied by community discussion.


Dr. Christopher Rea, Associate Professor of Asian Studies
Dr. Timothy Brook, Professor of History
Dr. Timothy Cheek, Professor of History
Dr. Yves Tiberghien:  Associate Professor of Political Science
Dr. Pitman Potter, Professor of Law

Light lunch is provided for registered participants