Organic Marxism: An Alternative to Capitalism and Ecological Catastrophe


Professor Philip Clayton, an American specialist in the intersection of science and post-modern religion, is co-author of a ground-breaking book about the relationship between Chinese and Western philosophy and politics. Organic Marxism: An Alternative to Capitalism and Ecological Catastrophe, co-authored with Justin Heinzekehr, is a revolutionary book that fuses the enduring legacy of socialism—government for the common good—with the best of the environmental movement and the newest insights from sustainability studies. The book argues for a “postmodern Marxism” that takes its leads from the core insights of Karl Marx, from process philosophers in China (Taoism) and in the West (Alfred North Whitehead), from ecology, and from the organic practices of sustainable communities. The Chinese-language version of Organic Marxism, was at one point a couple of years ago the eighth best-seller in China.

About the Speaker

Clayton, who frequently engages with Chinese scholars in the West and the East, holds the Ingraham Chair of Theology at Claremont School of Theology and is affiliated faculty at the Claremont Graduate University. Clayton earned a joint Ph.D. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Yale University and has held visiting appointments at Harvard University, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Munich. He has published over 20 books and hundreds of academic and popular articles. He has been an outspoken advocate for multicultural and multi-religious approaches to the field of theology, philosophy, and culture.


*This event is brought to you by the UBC Allard School of Law and UBC Centre for Chinese Research.

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