[Off-campus] Village to Global: Communication, Culture and Rural Transformation in China


Village to Global: Communication, Culture and Rural Transformation in China

9:30 – 12:30 · Nov 1, 2018 · HCC1415, SFU Downtown Campus, Vancouver


项一中: 缙云历史学家,河阳乡村研究员特约研究员。中国先秦史学会会员,浙江省历史学会理事。编著出版有《仙境寻奇》《千古缙云》《缙云地名探秘》等著作。

Yizhong Xiang: Local historian in Jinyun, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Heyang Institute for Rural Studies, Member of China pre-Qin History Society, Member of the Board of Directors of Zhejiang History Society. He is the author and editor of a number of publications, including Xiandu: Adventures through the Wonderland, Jinyun: Thousands of Years of History, A Toponymy Quest of Jinyun, etc.

麻松亘: 缙云地方文化研究专家,河阳乡村研究员特约研究员。参与撰编《千古缙云》、《缙云掌故》、《缙云百工》、《缙云县


Songgen Ma: Local cultural expert in Jinyun, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Heyang Institute for Rural Studies. His publications include Jinyun: Thousands of Years of History, Jinyun Anecdotes, Jinyun Crafts, Toponymy of Jinyun, Selections of Intangible Cultural Heritages in Jinyun, etc.



Rural China and Nostalgia

Along the lines of the “four universal questions of life” – who I am, where I come from, why I am here, and where I am going, Chinese people are confronted with another critical set of questions in the high tide of globalization and urbanization: how villages come into being, how they operate, and whether they are destined to die out. Reform-era China has witnessed an exponential growth in terms of its national economy and skyscrapers springing up everywhere in cities, juxtaposed with “silenced”, completely hollowed-out villages that once bustled with activity during the People’s Commune period. Facing the seemingly triumphant march of urban consumerist culture, legacies of traditional agricultural civilization have not been easily wiped out, instead rural nostalgia has become a significant symbol in China’s contemporary popular culture. This presentation will use villages in Jinyun, Zhejiang Province as a case study to analyze the historical trajectory of rural China and envision its path into the future.


“迎案”是浙江省缙云县民间⾃发组织、⾃发参与,集民间信仰和传统武术、杂技、舞蹈、造型、戏剧、美术、器乐为⼀体的⼤型娱神乐众、禳灾祈福民俗活动。经千余年的发展,迎案的举⾏遍及缙云全县,贯穿⼀年四季,每年达到20 场次。其热闹场⾯已远远超过当地春节、元宵等重⼤的传统节庆活动,是缙云民间当之⽆愧的“狂欢节”。本演讲将全⾯展⽰迎案活动所汇集的丰富多彩的民间艺术形式,深⼊剖析其所包涵的信仰崇拜、民风民俗等历史⽂化信息,并着⼒探讨保护、传承这⼀⾮遗项⽬的紧迫性与挑战性。

Ying An: The Rural Carnival

Ying An is a generic term used to describe a series of interrelated self-organized and entertaining rural rituals, through which worship is devoted to a multiplicity of mythological figures in Jinyun, Zhejiang Province. This particular set of rituals combines folk beliefs with a variety of cultural performances, such as traditional martial arts, acrobatics, dances, operas, paintings, instrumental playing, and so on. With a history of over a thousand years, Ying An is now held all around the Jinyun County with 20 different rituals throughout the entire year. As a rural “carnival”, its scale and significance in the local context have already transcended other nationwide traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival. This talk will give a detailed and vivid presentation of different forms of folk arts involved in Ying An, decipher the historical meanings and cultural codes of these activities, and discuss the urgency and challenges in preserving this intangible cultural heritage.

Free Admission with Light Refreshments