Of Colour and Ink: Chang Dai-chien After 1949 

A Blurb of the Film:

“Of Colour and Ink” is the first film to document Chang’s 30-year exile in South America, Europe and the United States and is the result of a 12-year journey by Chinese-American director Weimin Zhang who sought to unravel the mysteries and controversies surrounding Chang’s artistic and spiritual quest as he journeyed from East to West. The film makes a case for his strong influence on Western art, showing that his work formed a bridge not only between China’s past and present, but also between Eastern and Western aesthetic ideas. The film delves into his extraordinary life in exile and highlights his mission within the global art world.

Through innovative techniques and visual styles, “Of Colour and Ink” offers an illuminating, revelatory and entertaining exploration of one of the most influential – and least known – giants of 20th century art.



“Scoots faster than many people can run,” commented by the San Francisco Chronicle, Weimin Zhang is an award-winning filmmaker and professional cinematographer, one of China’s Sixth Generation filmmakers, and graduated from Beijing Film Academy in Cinematography. Since 1991, Weimin has worked on numerous award-winning feature films, documentaries, TV drama series in both China and the U.S.

Foe more information: https://www.ofcolorandink.com






Time: 18:15 – 20:30, PST, October 18, 2024

Venue: Auditorium, Asian Centre, UBC, 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Moderator: Jiaqi Yao

A Q&A session with Director Weimin Zhang will follow the screening.

Professor Weimin Zhang’s visit is kindly sponsored by David Lam Centre at SFU.

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/of-colour-and-ink-chang-dai-chien-after-1949-tickets-1026580729597?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl