Off-campus event
China’s entry into the modern age was not just traumatic but uproarious. As the Qing dynasty collapsed, joke books boomed. As warlords fought, writers competed to sling the funniest insult. “Humour” (youmo) became a household word. Come hear UBC professor Christopher Rea talk about how the first decades of the twentieth century transformed how Chinese people thought and talked about what’s funny, and why it matters today.
This will be conducted in English and Mandarin.
This event takes place in the new Room 919 on Level 9.
誰是”破夜壺室主”? 哪些民國暢銷作家自稱是”賣笑維生”? 軍閥時期的”放屁主義”從何而起? “幽默”如何成為我們今天的慣用語? 來聽UBC教授雷勤風介紹他獲漢學研究至高榮譽”列文森大獎”的力作——《大不敬的年代:近代中國新笑史》。