[HUA DIALOGUE EVENT]: Among Us – Reflections on Discrimination|我們不一樣 —— 對歧視的反思

Event Details:

Date & Time: April 6 at 6PM [PST]

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/among-us-reflections-on-discrimination-tickets-148467890457

Padlet discussion: https://padlet.com/ubcdialogue/k6k29g5ruvsv928f

Event Description [for more information CLICK HERE]

[Find English Version Below]
不同文化的交流與融合在促進多元化的同時,也加劇了一些不可避免的矛盾與衝突。這些衝突最初或許只是源於未知、懷疑、恐懼。但由此引發出的歧視行為在種種社會因素的推波助瀾下,很容易演變為無數令人心痛的悲劇。 # BLM, # Stop Asian Hate, 北京因性向被霸凌的中學生,中國的楊笠風波…..越來越多的“少數群體”或被動、或主動地背負著各種標籤走出了公眾視野,我們看見了越來越多的不公正遭遇,也聽到了越來越多支持平等的呼聲。



➤Padlet自由討論 | Padlet discussion: https://padlet.com/ubcdialogue/k6k29g5ruvsv928f

Multiculturalism and diversity are thought to enrich societies and broaden horizons. However, with the increase in geo-political upheavals, many societies are feeling threatened and doubtful by the changes in their communities, resulting in the rise of conflicts and prejudice. # BLM, # Stop Asian Hate, Beijing teen being bullied due to sexual orientation, Chinese Comedian Yang Li incident… As more and more minorities have come into public’s attention, the unfair treatment they received have been witnessed and a stronger voice for equality has been heard.

Have you ever experienced the “sting” of discrimination? In a time when we are being told to keep distance, it is more important than ever to find ways to stand together for inclusions. When faced with unfair treatments, how do you cope with it? What can we do to combat prejudice and discrimination?

April. 11th, 6 p.m. Vancouver time, UBC Hua Dialogue invites you to join our event and share your stories and voices about “prejudice”, and “discrimination”.

Online via Zoom
➤Time: (Vancouver Time) April, 11. 6 to 9 pm. (6 – 6:30 for ice-breaking games)
➤Registration: Please click this link: https://amongus.eventbrite.ca
➤Padlet discussion: https://padlet.com/ubcdialogue/k6k29g5ruvsv928f

**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.