Please join our partners UBC Hua Dialogue on April 7th for a conversation on consumption of news media.
[Find English Version Below]
你還在持續關注著”窗外“的事情嗎?在社群媒體的資訊洪流裡,你的心情和生活是否有受到影響呢?你對那些紛雜的聲音抱有怎樣的態度?你所期待的“窗外”的景色又是什麼模樣?我們誠邀你來參加Hua Dialogue對話本學期的最後一次活動,分享與傾聽對於社群媒體與時事討論的看法。
➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間4月7日,週四晚間6:00-8:30pm @CK Choi 120
➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間4月7日,週四晚間6:00-8:30pm @CK Choi 120
Browsing social media, you see the ongoing global pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war that sets off a wave of public opinion, the tragic air accident evoking pain and thoughts… Information that used to be difficult to find has become accessible and widely disseminated via various social platforms. In this day and age, social media allows ordinary people who were involved in the events to tell their true stories. It also serves as a place for spectators to discuss and get their voices heard. Nowadays social media is not only a platform for socialising but has become a “window” through which we share, observe and understand the world. Some people stay by the “window”, exchanging insights and creating connections with others; some people occasionally look out from the “window” and then leave quietly; others who are tired or stressed by the endless stream of information are hesitating whether or not to close the “window”.
Are you still looking out the “window”? Has the flood of information on social media affected your mood and life? What is your attitude toward the cacophony of voices? What scenery do you want to see through the “window”? If you are interested in these questions, please come to HUA Dialogue’s last event for this semester! We would like to hear your thoughts on social media and news consumption.
【Event Details】
➤Time: Thursday, April 7, 6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
➤Registration link:…/a-conversation-about-news…
➤Time: Thursday, April 7, 6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
➤Registration link:…/a-conversation-about-news…
**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.