也許你還記得,第一次被教育“男女有別”,第一次理解到生理性徵的不同,第一次發現自己的身體在青春期的變化,第一次注意到一些人對你有著異樣的吸引力,第一次在網路上檢索不敢説出口的名詞,第一次嘗試人與人之間更親密的連結,甚至是發現,自己對“性”的理解和其他人有所不同……在這段永恆的探索“性”的旅程中,你有過怎樣的好奇與困惑?你接受過怎樣的與“性”相關的教育?你的家人朋友對你給予過怎樣的幫助,亦或是有過什麽衝突?你對於性教育的理解和期待又是什麽?三月九日週三,Hua Dialogue攜手UBC Wellness Centre IBPOC Mentorship Program, 爲你帶來 “華人社群的性與性教育”活動,希望與你暢談對性教育的看法與探索“性”的感悟。
➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間3月9日,週三晚間6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間3月9日,週三晚間6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
“Sexuality”, one of the most ancient, primitive, and mysterious parts of human life, has been considered as a shameful topic and even a taboo in Chinese communities. However, it’s impossible to escape its presence in any aspect of our life. Great as the birth and continuation of life, small as a simple daily action, the influences and constraints of sex are everywhere to be found. Nevertheless, sex has been a missing puzzle in our education, avoided together with its controversies.
Perhaps you still remember many of the “first times”: the first time that you were taught “men and women are different”; the first time you learnt about the physiological dissimilarities of male and female bodies; the first time you discovered changes in your own body during puberty; the first time to experience this strange and tender affection for someone; the first time you search this term that you’re too shy to speak about; the first time that you taste a more intimate connection with others; and even the first time that you realize your own understanding of sex and sexuality is different from others. In this ever-lasting exploration of “sex”, what makes you curious, and what makes you confused? What sort of sex education have you received or not received? How have your friends and families helped you, and what kind of conflicts have you had? Most importantly, what are some of your own understandings and expectations of sex education? On March 9th Wed at CK Choi 120, in collaboration with IBPOC Mentors @ UBC Wellness Centre, Hua Dialogue is inviting you to the discussion of Gender and Sex Education in Chinese communities. Together, let’s talk about sex education, and hear from your own perspectives and thoughts!
【Event Details】
➤Time: Wednesday, March 9, 6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
➤Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/…/gender-and-sex-education-in…
**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.
➤Time: Wednesday, March 9, 6:00-8:30pm @ CK Choi 120
➤Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/…/gender-and-sex-education-in…
**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.