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For many residing in Canada, “COVID-19” in 2023 has become a mere annoyance. Gone are the turmoil, hysteria, and even the memes. Yet conversations regarding the pandemic among the Sinophone communities are still ongoing. Due to the PRC government’s abrupt change in quarantine policy, a new wave of intense debate and anxiety broke out across imagined borders.
While some among us attempt to make sense of such radical changes, others have to adapt and cope before they can even begin to process the traumas of the past three years. Where do you see yourself in all of this? Do you engage in vigorous conversations on who should be responsible for everything? Do you post memes online to mock the absurdity of it all? Or are you anxious for your family, who is now under a new set of uncertainties and precarity?
From our March 2020 event, “Isolated—Alienation in the time of coronavirus,” to our September 2021 event “Individual Freedom and Public Interests Behind Covid-19 Policies”, we eagerly invite everyone to our third, and for the foreseeable future, final COVID-19-related discussion.
Join us on Mar 7 and share with us your experiences in a safe and supportive space!
對於有些人而言,COVID 已經是完全的過去式。但對很多人來說,疫情的餘響仍未散去,還在對我們當下的生活和心靈產生著或深或淺的影響。它或許是政策的頻繁變動所帶來的不安定感,或許是失去親人和健康留下的空洞和創傷,甚至也可以是一些積極的影響,比如工作方式的改變,以及對生活空間的重新思考。同時,疫情也揭露了我們社會平時隱而不見的瘡疤,老年人,慢性疾病患者,勞工和流浪者群體等等,在這場風暴之中顯得格外脆弱:誰又應該對此負責,誰應該率先採取行動?當曾經令人聞之色變的“毒株”和“陽性”成為網絡迷因,我們的社會是變得更加樂觀,還是愈加麻木?究竟如何面對這疫情三年對我們世界觀、人生觀的改變?如何治癒它給我們留下的傷疤?