The Centre for Asian Legal Studies Upcoming Event
Event Title: Same-Sex Marriage: Comparison of Canada, US and Japan
Event Description [see event poster below for more information]:
The legalization of same-sex marriages is no longer an issue in North America, but how about Japan? In March 2021, for the first time ever in Japanese legal history, the district court will decide on the legalization of same-sex marriage. The debate on whether to legalize same-sex marriage or not, is now very heated topic.
In this talk, Professor Takashi Shirouzu will discuss how Japan should deal with this issue by looking at both Canada and US’s approach toward legalizing Same-Sex Marriage from the viewpoint of Comparative Constitutional law. During the discussion, we will also examine how the legalizing of same-sex marriages would challenge the Japanese notion of a traditional family.
Event Details [CLICK HERE FOR MORE]:
March 19 at 3:30PM to 5PM [PST]
Allard Law School’s Event Calendar:
Speaker: Takashi Shirouzu, Associate Professor of Law Chiba University Law School
Takashi Shirouzu is Associate Professor of Law at the Chiba University Law School. His research focuses on Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Equality Rights, and Remedy. His recent book, ‘‘New Development of the Interpretation of Equality Rights’’ was published in 2020 from SANSEIDO publishing, Tokyo, Japan