9 A (Re)visit to Vancouver Chinatown: The Past, Present, and Future | 回歸溫哥華唐人街: 我們的歷史, 當下, 和未來

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人們常對某些話題保持緘默,但我們仍需直面問題。近年來, 針對亞裔的種族主義再度成為焦點。除了感到憤怒、悲傷和恐懼,我們同樣困惑於這類沖突產生的原因。為什麽這一問題在溫哥華如此敏感?


從1885年的中國人頭稅,到持續不斷的、基於種族歧視的暴力襲擊,直到今天,作為北美反亞裔仇恨之都的居民,我們該如何理解過去發生的種種,又該對未來抱有怎樣的期待? 我們該如何看待具有多重身份與意義的唐人街, 它的興盛與衰敗有著怎樣的歷史意義?又與個體的生活有著怎樣的聯系?

溫哥華時間11月9日星期二下午5點半,在CK Choi 120,對話將攜手UBC History Student Assoication共同舉辦11月特別活動,我們期待聽到你的分享。

主活動討論結束後,我們將舉行After Party, 繼續我們的交流和相互認識。地點未定,請等待通知。屆時將為大家提供免費食物,酒水自費,歡迎參與。

➤時間/地点:溫哥華時間11月9日,週二晚間5:30-7:30pm @CK Choi 120
After Party 7:30pm, 地點未定,請等待通知。

Certain topics are always difficult to bring up, yet we need to address them nonetheless. The Vancouver Chinatown is one such topic. Seeing the renewed surge of anti-Asian racism in recent years, aside from anger, grief, and fear, many among us are above all, confused. Why do these attacks happen? Why is Vancouver so susceptible to this problem?

The Vancouver Chinatown acts as a trans-pacific nexus for over 100 years that has not only experienced unfathomable historical hardships, but is continuing to face mounting social, cultural and economic difficulties.

In 1886, it provided shelter for those who lived far away from home, advancing thriving cultural exports for a brief period, also bearing the weight of the nostalgia across the sea. One hundred years later, after witnessing the continuous migration, development, integration and conflicts of ethnic groups, Vancouver Chinatown gradually began to wane and became a forbidden place that barely no one wanted to step into.

From the 1885 Chinese head tax to the continual, violent, racially-based assaults that occurs to this very day, how do we as residents of the Anti-Asian hate crime capital of North America make sense of what has happened, and what is happening? How should we view places like Chinatown that have multiple identities and unique meanings? What historical significance does its rise and fall imply, and what does it have to do with individuals’ lives?

Given the mission of both UBC Hua Dialogue and UBC History Students Association, we realize that there is an urgency and a necessity to address these problems through discourses and conversations. Join us on Tuesday, November 9, 5:30pm PST at CK Choi 120, where communities come together and share your stories and experiences.

After the discussion at CK Choi, HSA and Hua Dialogue will hold an after party, where you can continue the discussion and get to know each other. The location is to be announced. Please stay tuned. Free refreshments will be offered, and you may order alcohol drinks at your own expense.

【Event Details】
➤Time: Tuesday, November 9, 5:30pm PST at CK Choi 120
After Party 7:30pm, Location TBA
➤Registration: Please click this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/a-visit-to-vancouver-chinatown-the-past-present-and-future-registration-201746397907
➤Padlet Discussion Board:

**We encourage you to use the language you are most comfortable with. We will provide translation in the event.