UBC Hua Dialogue: 過年的“喜”與“憂”—天平兩側的代溝與親情| Lunar New Year—Generation Gap vs Family Affection


Join UBC Hua Dialogue for their latest event “過年的“喜”與“憂”—天平兩側的代溝與親情| Lunar New Year—Generation Gap vs Family Affection.” It is an invitation for all participants to come and share their stories of Lunar New Year. The discussion and topic will be centred around the generational gaps between family members and its relation to the Lunar New Year Tradition of family gathering!


Date: March 13 at 6PM [PST]

Register & Info: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lunar-new-yeargeneration-gap-vs-family-affection-tickets-143665456247?fbclid=IwAR1VnkD7l82tNlBzlffi39z799GxAWzLlCA185bgP9bx7s8EJaM9PqTMoOg

More Event Information: [CLICK HERE] [Find English Below]

“爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇。” 在過去的一年裏,Covid-19給我們生活的方方面面都帶來了太多改變。今年的農曆新年,也因爲回家過年的困難而變得尤爲特別。與此同時,我們注意到,社會觀念的改變,社會矛盾的上升還有思維觀念的衝突似乎讓“走親訪友”,“串門拜年”傳統習俗變得更加具有爭議,甚至被一些人抗拒。

社會高速的發展,是不是對人與人之間的空間隔閡與情感距離究竟產生了不同於以往的影響?在這樣的 充滿矛盾和分歧時代背景下,我們又該如何找到代溝與親情間的平衡點?

溫哥華時間三月十三日下午6點/北京,香港,台北時間三月十四日上午十點,UBC Huadialogue對話誠邀你加入我們的活動。歡迎大家分享自己的有趣經歷,以及對於“傳統習俗”,“代溝”,和“觀念衝突”等話題的思考與感悟。


We have never been happier to send off 2020 and ring in the hopeful 2021. All of our lives have been greatly changed by the pandemic, including family gathering during winter holidays, arguably the most prominent and expected time of a year. Meanwhile, besides the virus, we have found that the problems emerging from generation gap, social division and other conflicts in values are gaining more spotlight on our dining tables more so than ever.

Is it attributed to the rapid development of our society? Does physical distancing also distance us mentally? Living in a world with more conflicts and divisions, is it possible to again bring peace to our dinner?

March. 13th, 6 p.m. Vancouver time, UBC Hua Dialogue invites you to join our event and share your stories about “holiday traditions”, “generation gap” and so on.