Prof. X.L. Ding is interested in extra-ordinary phenomena in socio-political processes in China particularly with a comparative perspective. Currently he teaches courses on Modern Dictatorship in West and East, and the Chinese Cultural Revolution 1966-76 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He intends to develop courses on The Politics of Chinese Higher Education and Dynamics of the Communist Party-State System in West and East. His research interests include Comparative Capitalisms, State-Society Relations, Modernization and Globalization, and Social History.
- Ding, Xueliang. The Decline of Communism in China: Legitimacy Crisis, 1977-1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge;New York;, 1994.
Journal Articles
- Ding, Xueliang. “The East Asian Model and the New Authoritarianism.” Chinese Sociology & Anthropology. 24.1. (1991): 7-27
- Ding, Xueliang. “The Challenges of Managing A Huge Society under Rapid Transformation.” China’s Post-Jiang Leadership Succession: Problems and Perspective. Ed. John Wong and Zheng Yongnian. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2002.189-214.
- Ding, Xueliang. “The Only Reliability Is that These Guys Aren’t Reliable: The Business Culture of Red Capitalism.” Restless China. Ed. Perry Link, Richard P. Madsen, and Paul G. Pickowicz. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2013. 37-58.
- Ding, Xueliang. “The Illicit Asset Stripping of Chinese State Firms.” Politics of modern China, Vol. 2. Ed. by Yongnian Zheng, Yiyi Lu & Lynn T. White III. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2010, 315-342
- Ding, Xueliang. “Freedom and Political Humour: Their Social Meaning in Contemporary China.” Humour in Chinese Life and Culture: Resistance and Control in Modern Times. Ed. Jessica M. Davies and Jocelyn Chey. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, 2013. 231-254.
- Ding, Xueliang. “Informal Privatization through Internationalization: The Rise of Nomenklatura Capitalism in China’s Offshore Businesses.” British Journal of Political Science 30.1 (2000): 121-46.
- Ding, Xueliang. “Rev. of Liang De tongyi zhongde jingji wenti [Economic Issues in the Unification of the Two Germanys]”, by Yao Xianguo, Heinz Moelders. The China Journal Jan 1998: 136-138.
- Ding, Xueliang. “Systematic Irregularity and Spontaneous Property Transformation in the Chinese Financial System.” The China Quarterly (2000): 655-76.
- Ding, Xueliang. “The Illicit Asset Stripping of Chinese State Firms.” The China Journal.43 (2000): 1-28.
- Ding, Xueliang. “The Quasi-Criminalization of a Business Sector in China: Deconstructing the Construction-Sector Syndrome.” Crime, Law and Social Change 35.3 (2001): 177.
- Ding, Xueliang. “Who Gets What, How? When Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Become Shareholding Companies.” Problems of Post Communism. Vol.46, No.3, 1999.
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