New Left
Cui Zhiyuan is a professor at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Chicago in 1995. He is a leading member of the New Left through his work on alternatives to neo-liberal capitalism. His research mainly focus on the political economy of reform in China, and political and legal philosophy in general.
- Cui, Zhiyuan, et al. Sustainable Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Journal articles
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “In memoriam: introduction to Tang Tsou’s ‘interpreting the revolution in China’.” Modern China. 26.2 (Apr 2000): 194-204.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Making sense of the Chinese ‘socialist market economy’: a note.” Modern China. 38.6 (Nov 2012): 665-676.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Whither China? The discourse on property rights in the Chinese reform context.” Social Text. 55 (Sum 1998): 67-81.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “’Xiaokang socialism’: a petty-bourgeois manifesto.” Chinese Economy. 36.3 (May-Jun 2003): 50-70.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “How to comprehend today’s China: an interpretation of the ‘comparatively well-off society’.” Contemporary Chinese Thought. 37.4 (Sum 2006): 41-47.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Partial Intimations of the Coming Whole: The Chongqing Experiment in Light of the Theories of Henry George, James Meade, and Antonio Gramsci.” Modern China 37.6 (2011): 646-60.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Privatization and the Consolidation of Democratic Regimes: An Analysis and an Alternative.” Journal of International Affairs 50.2 (1997): 675-92.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “China’s Export Tax Rebate Policy.” China: An International Journal 1.2 (2005): 339-49.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Market Incompleteness, Innovation, and Reform: Commentary on Adam Przeworski’s Article.” Politics & Society 19.1 (1991): 59-69.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. Mutual Involution between the Big State and Small State. 臺灣社會研究 / Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, 2011-09-01, 84期 (Issue 84), pp. 319-333
- Cui, Zhiyuan. Introduction to Tang Tsou’s “Interpreting the Revolution in China” Modern China, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 194-204.
Collections and book chapters
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “China’s response to US neoconservatism.” Empire and neoliberalism in Asia. Ed. Hadiz, vedi R. London; New York: Routledge, 2006. 188-201.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Liberal socialism and the future of China: a petty bourgeoisie manifesto.” The Chinese model of modern development. Ed. Cao, Tianyu. London; New York: Routledge, 2005. 157-174.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Whither China? The discourse on property rights in the Chinese reform context.” Whither China? Intellectual politics in contemporary China. Ed. Zhang, Xudong. Durham, N.C.; London: Duke University Press, 2001. 103-122.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “The Bush Doctrine. A Chinese Perspective.” American Power in the 21st Century. Ed. David Held and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004. 241-251.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. China human development report, 1999 : transition and the state. [Beijing, China? : United Nations Development Programme, 1999]. Carl Riskin, ed., Cui contributed a chapter.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Introduction: Society as Artifact.” in Unger, Roberto Mangabeira. Politics: the central texts : theory against fate. New York: Verso, 1997.
Translations and videos on web sources
- The China Question. Dir. Brook Silva-Braga. Perf. Cui, Zhiyuan. Earthchild Productions, 2011. Documentary video.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “Reform Could Not Have Happened Without Mao.” Interview video.
- Cui, Zhiyuan. “The Corporatization and Privatization of SOEs.” Interview video.
- Marx, theories of the firm and the socialist reform. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. : Washington Center for China Studies ; Theoretical Research Committee of the IFCSS, [1990]
- How serious is China’s fiscal deficit? : applying EU’s ‘golden rule’. Singapore : East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2002
- China’s export tax rebate policy. Singapore : East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2003.
- 历史与社会|主页 CV on the Institute for Advanced Historical and Social Research
- CV (Chinese)
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- 天涯博客| Tianya blog (hasn’t updated since July, 2009)
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